About Us

First Visit

For this visit you should bring:

  • Download and fill out the following [ New Patient Form ]
  • A list of your current medications, drug allergies, and medical history.
  • Any dental appliance(s) you have, whether you are currently wearing them or not.
  • Your radiographs from your previous dentist(s), if they were not sent previously.
  • Your dental insurance claim form, insurance identification numbers, and benefits book, if applicable.

After reviewing you medical history and dental history with the doctor, you are encouraged to discuss any questions or concerns you have.

Unless there is a problem which needs immediate attention, you will have a thorough head and neck exam, as well as a detailed intraoral exam. In order to be able to diagnose a full range of oral pathology, i.e. periodontal disease, tooth decay, bone pathology, a full series of radiographs is recommended for all adults every 3-5 years depending on your dental history and present condition. If your previous radiographs are available, we can either take fewer radiographs or compare them to your new films in order to tell whether your current dental condition is stable. We will also take a full series of intraoral photographs, and in some cases study models may be taken in order to diagnose occlusal (bite) pathology. We will then discuss the preliminary findings from this exam.

The doctor will review all of the information from this examination and and form a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan. A subsequent consultation appointment will allow our doctor and treatment co-ordinator to clearly present to you our findings and recommendations. At this appointment we will review your radiographs, photos as well as any educational slides and videos which may help inform you of your condition. We will always take the time to insure that you have a clear understanding of your oral health and are fully empowered to make treatment decisions on your own behalf. (There is no additional fee for the second visit).